Our firm typically becomes aware of new cases either by monitoring public probate records (including lists of unclaimed property) or by receiving a referral from an attorney, trust officer or a colleague.
Upon realizing that an existing probate matter has an incomplete heirship, our staff conducts a thorough search to identify and locate any missing or unknown individuals. At the end of the research process, a case administrator from our office contacts the rightful heirs to advise them of our findings.
A potential heir accepts our services and becomes our client by signing and returning an agreement by which he or she agrees to pay our firm a finder’s fee based strictly on a percentage of the amount received. Our contingent fee covers all expenses along the way including that of an attorney. At no time do we ever ask our clients to front any money. The process is designed to be completely risk free to the heirs since our fees are paid only at the time of distribution and never before.
If no funds are collected, our clients pay absolutely nothing.
Our Services Include
- Researching the decedent’s complete family to make certain that each heir receives a proper share of the estate.
- Sending a written report to our clients detailing all available information about the estate.
- Obtaining documentation to prove to the court that our clients are the correct heirs and are legally entitled to inherit.
- Preparing all family charts, vital records, affidavits and expert testimony to convince the court beyond any reasonable doubt.
- Consulting with and retaining an experienced probate attorney at our expense, as needed, to assist in properly establishing the heirship and obtaining funds for our clients.
- Monitoring the progress of the estate matter closely until it concludes.
- Updating our clients on the status of the estate as needed.
- Maintaining confidentiality regarding our clients.
- Providing a genealogical family chart at no cost to clients who request one.